We use "cookies" to make the most of your visit to our website. They can be used to personalize content and ads, to analyze traffic, and to display various third-party plugins (e.g. social sites, online chat). At the same time, we share information about your use of the site in an anonymized form with our partners in the field of social networks, advertising and web analytics. More information can be found here.
Marketing "Cookies" are used to monitor customer behavior on the site. Their goal is to provide relevant and useful advertising for each individual user, making them beneficial to all. (more)
Statistical "Cookies" help website owners to understand how users behave on their sites by collecting and reporting anonymous data. (more)
These "Cookies" are indispensable for the functionality of the website and ensure its functioning, for example, when navigating and making user sections available. This site cannot function properly if cookies are not enabled. (more)
These "cookies" primarily help to personalize the content, for example, by offering specific products according to the history of your web browsing or according to orders. (more)
Our website does not use security "Cookies". (more)
User preferences
It monitors the user's consent to provide user data to Google services for advertising purposes(more)
Personalization data
Monitors user consent to target personalized ads by Google services (products). (more)
Consent to the use of "Cookies"
We use "Cookies" to make the most of your visit to our website. They can be used to personalize content and ads, to analyze traffic, and to display various third-party plugins (e.g. social sites, online chat).
skvelé pre piknik s rodinou, grilovanie na záhrade alebo vonku
Veľkosť po rozvinutí 145x180cm
500 g
Vynikajúci piknik rohož z OOP. Ideálny na prechádzku, do parku, na pláž, kúpalisko, do lesa, na hranie
na záhrade, na lúke atď. Nahrádza prikrývku a je oveľa odolnejší a praktickejšie. Pri kempe je to úplne
nenahraditeľné. Vodotesné dno chráni pred namočením - môžete sedieť na podložke rozložené na mokrej tráve,
piesku atď.
Skvelé pre piknik s rodinou, grilovanie na záhrade alebo vonku - relaxujte a bavte sa bez špinavého oblečenia
z trávy alebo piesku. Okrem toho sa rohož ľahko zapína a zapína na suchý zips - takže pri skladaní zaberá
málo miesta a má veľmi praktické kľučky - vyzerá ako malá taška.
Veselé farebné vzory robia z rohože vynikajúce dekorácie. Skvelé pre šírenie na tvrdej zemi - štrk, kameň
Rohož sa ľahko čistí - pokiaľ ju zašpiníte, jednoducho ju utrite vlhkou handričkou alebo ju umyte rukou.
Užitočné v každom ročnom období!